Activities the day before.
That weekend the school celebrates its Festa Major and hosts a solidarity lunch.
The evening before school is full of people doing activities.
Escola duran i bas #festamajorlescorts
— Maya castaner (@Mayacastaner) 30 de septiembre de 2017
Spending the night at the school.
The Mossos d'Esquadra keep watch and the people applaud them.
Escola Duran i Bas, els mossos només vigilan amb cara de circumstancies....
— Marc Figueras (@MarcFiguee) 1 de octubre de 2017
People wait peacefully to vote.
There are many people gathered to vote.
The vote is complete and people chant all "Independència."
Herois al CEIP Duran i Bas #cataloniareferendum #3094Sí
— Anna Pomares (@annapomares15) 1 de octubre de 2017
Result of the scrutiny. Singing the Catalan National anthem "Els Segadors."
Ara mateix. Resultat recompte al Duran i Bas Les Corts Barcelona @obrimlesescoles @btvnoticies @DonesCompromese @ANCDones @cupnacional
— Arrosambllet (@Arrosambllet) 1 de octubre de 2017
People waiting for the scrutiny.