
Escola Timbaler del Bruc
Barcelonès (Barcelona)
1.620.809 inhabitants

At 5:30 AM there were already many people. There were many IT issues all morning. By mid-morning the people in the center already knew what had happened in other locations, and as a precaution, the doors were closed in case the Policía Nacional would arrive. At times the queue was 30 metres long. It was suspected there there were undercover police present, who disappeared when the doors were opened to allow some voters to leave. People left in groups to go for lunch, so as not to leave the polling station unprotected. In the afternoon, the computer system worked normally, but there were still many queues. The neighbors kept watch on the adjacent streets. There were all kinds of rumours as to where the Policía Nacional could be. At 8 PM the school closed and the people stayed in the yard in case it was necessary to defend the votes. Once the results were announced, people began to embrace and everyone sang and chanted. A fire truck passed by with loud sirens.

(This account was sent to us by a Twitter user in response to our requests for information.)