Early morning. We will vote!
A la porta del @ccelroure de Begues des de les 6 del matí. Moltíssima gent! Arriben @mossos aixequen acta, marxen i tots junts... #votarem pic.twitter.com/F2GAFJQxol
— Sergi G.R.🎗 (@seton75) 1 de octubre de 2017
People are ready to defend the ballot boxes.
Despite the rain, people are queuing to vote.
A woman of one hundred years of age votes.
Té 100 anys i està exercint el seu dret a vot #Begues #1OTV3 #10ct pic.twitter.com/L7uoElRI2D
— Judit Romagosa (@juditromagosa) 1 de octubre de 2017
An international observer arrives at the polling station.
It was possible to vote normally.
The turnout was massive.
The polls are closed.
A #Begues hem guanyat fortíssim. pic.twitter.com/D5ZnR3a9TJ
— Marina (@marinaventuram) 1 de octubre de 2017
The voting is finished. People await the results.