People protect the school early in the morning in case the Mossos d'Esquadra arrive.
Hundreds of people wait for the polling station to open (photo by Ylènia Morros).
There are many people gathered.
The polling station hasn't opened yet (photo by Ylènia Morros).
People are asked to put their mobiles into airplane mode, so that the polling station can connect to the network (photo by Ylènia Morros).
Singing "L'Estaca" the Catalan protest song.
ESCOLA EL BAGES, manresa #1OctARV escolas_obertas #omnium #cataloniareferendum #10oct #CATvotaSI
— MCS (@mniknolita) 1 de octubre de 2017
The school is so full that volunteers are requested to move to CEIP Pare Algué.
Announcing the results of the vote count.
No han pogut res davant un poble unit, alegre i combatiu! A l'escola #Bages de #Manresa HEM VOTAT! #1O #hemvotat #referendumcatalunya
— Oriol Barri 🎗[1-O] (@OriolBarri) 1 de octubre de 2017