The day before there is music.

Activities the day before.

In the early hours a crowd waits for them to open the doors.

The ballot boxes arrive at the school.
People who have spent the night are applauded.
#sabadell #referemdumCAT #referèndumrac1 aixi honorem a la gent que ha passat la nit per protegir l'escola Industrial de sabadell. Herois👏👏👏
— Enric 🎗 (@enricbonas) 1 de octubre de 2017
The applause from another angle (video by Josep Blanch).
Aquest matí, la gent que ha passat la nit a l'escola Industrial de Sabadell era aplaudida pels que esperaven entrar a votar
— Josep Blanch (@_josepblanch) 1 de octubre de 2017
The computer system is down (photo by Montse P. Creus).

The president of Òmnium Cultural, Jordi Cuixart, votes (photo by Ràdio Sabadell).

The mayor of Sabadell, Maties Serracant, votes (photo by Ràdio Sabadell).

Queues to vote.

The center closes ahead of time (photo by iSabadell).

Jordi Cuixart votes at l'Escola Industrial and then goes to the nearby Nostra Llar polling station that had suffered a brutal police attack.