Agents arrive and remove people. There are charges.
Recording from the side of the entrance of the police.
Me pasaron esto. Sant Esteve Sesrovires, pueblo de 7.000 habitantes. Palizas brutales injustificadas. Hubo detenidos.
— The Smart One ? (@the_smart_1_) 11 de octubre de 2017
Two assaults by police.
Complet footage from the entrance door
Instant of the police charge
At the entrance door
Riot police in front of the polling station.
Voters inside the entrance.
Riot police inside the entrance.
An agent of the Mossos d'Esquadra comforts a voter
L’alcaldessa @CarmeRallo dona resultats #1O a Sant Esteve #Sesrovires
— Ajunt Sant Esteve S (@AjSesrovires) 1 de octubre de 2017