Tattoo workshop the day before.
Early morning. People wait for the centre to open.
Having breakfast (photo by Albert Torres).
Holding up ballot papers (photo by Món Terrassa).
The ballot boxes have already arrived.
Ballot box.
The number of people outside the centre is very large.
En la Escola la Roda de Terrassa #1O
— Sara (@smaab6) 1 de octubre de 2017
Waiting to vote.
There are more and more people all the time.
People stay to protect the polling station.
The queues are very long.
Video by Món Terrassa.
EN DIRECTE | Cues aquest matí a l'escola La Roda de #Terrassa per poder votar
— Món Terrassa (@MonTerrassa) 1 de octubre de 2017
Catalan and Basque firefighters arrive at the school.
Ara mateix han arribat @bomberscat i bombers d'euskadi a l'escola la roda de terrassa!
— Cler lluch (@clerlluch) 1 de octubre de 2017