People are ready to spend the night there.
The musicians of the Colla Vella castellers play at the centre the day before.
Hem participat a un concert vermut dins els actes de la Festa de Tardor de l'IES Narcís Oller! #DefensaReferèndum #VallsVota
— Grallers Colla Vella (@GrallersCVXV) 30 de septiembre de 2017
Gralles (musicians of the Colla Vella castellers) at the centre.
A les portes... Narcís Oller. #Valls Pell de gallina. Difícil reprimir emocions #1Oct #referendumCAT
— Susanna 🎗 (@Susanna8138) 1 de octubre de 2017
The Colla Vella castellers building human castles the night before.
The day before, there is a dinner for eighty people.
In the early hours there are already two hundred people.
Voting is slow but with normality.
The vote is complete. Singing the Catalan national anthem "Els Segadors."
NARCÍS OLLER de #VALLS #HemVotat i ha sortit el SÍ#CatalanReferendum #MemoriaHistorica
— Susanna 🎗 (@Susanna8138) 1 de octubre de 2017