The day before, an assembly was held to organise the referendum.

Castellers (photo by Jordi Borràs).

"Els Borinots" make a castle.

Children watching the castellers.

Dozens of people prepared to spend the night at the school (photo by Jordi Borràs).

Locked inside the school (photo by Jordi Borràs).

Preparing to spend the night (photo by Jordi Borràs).

A family extends the internet cable from their home to help facilitate the vote.

Se cierra la escuela al grito de "Hemos votado"
15 hores més tard a l'Escola Jaume I es tanca la porta al crit de "Hem votat!" #referendumRAC1
— Joan Lluís Garcia (@jllgarcia) 1 de octubre de 2017