In the early morning.

Waiting for the polling station to open.

The day before there are people gathered outside. They chant: "Els carrers seran sempre nostres" ("The streets will always be ours").
El pare m'envia un vídeo de L'escola Lavínia a Les Corts, Barcelona. #josoclaviniet #referendumRAC1 #referendum1deoctubre #1octvotarem
— Ferran Valls|Ferri🎗 (@ferranvalls) 1 de octubre de 2017
People chant "Votarem" ("We will vote") before the polling station opens.
Al Lavinia ho tenen clar #Votarem
— CDR Les Corts #MésViusQueMai (@CDRLesCorts) 1 de octubre de 2017
While queueing people sing: "...que la detengan, es una papeleta..." ("...stop it, it's a ballot paper...").

Queues to vote.
Escola Lavínia. Les Corts.
— Alberto G. Moyano (@agmoyano) 1 de octubre de 2017