The voting center was the town hall. An hour before the arrival of the Guardia Civil it was decided to transfer the ballot box for security to another building. Locals observe that someone who is not from the town makes a call. About 50 Guardia Civil police arrive. Just when they arrive they separate into two groups. One goes to the place where the ballot box is located and the other to the town hall. Although they know that there is no ballot box there, they decide to charge there as well. The charge causes injuries. They seize the ballot box and people move to other towns to vote.
Demà dilluns al matí (10h) compareixaré als Jutjats de Manresa citat per pressumpte delicte de desobediència. Ho faré representant la dignitat i coratge de tot un poble! Aquell va ser un dia que durarà anys. No podran! #Fonollosa #Camps #1O #democràcia #llibertat
— Eloi H. M. (@eloifonollosa) 11 de marzo de 2018
A Fonollosa, cens 200 persones, 70 guàrdies civils s'han endut l'urna amb 30 vots dipositats. <0.5 vot/picolet. Han trencat el radi d'1 àvia
— Gorg Negre (@GorgNegre) 1 d’octubre de 2017