The day before there is live music (video by Roger Benet Reñé).
Música en directe a l'escola Pau Casals de #Sabadell #CDRSabadell #EscolesObertes @cdrsabadell 🎤🎸🎺🥁
— Roger Benet Reñé (@rogerbr21) 30 de septiembre de 2017
The 'gegants' (giants) of the neighbourhood of La Concórdia are also present.
Ara mateix a l'escola Pau Casals de #Sabadell @lallardelvent i músics voluntaris, jocs de taula, esports... @cdrsabadell
— Roger Benet Reñé (@rogerbr21) 30 de septiembre de 2017
The 'Saballuts' (local human castle group) hold a castle workshop the day before.
The day before, an assembly is held.
Many people gathered in the early morning.
The schoolyard is filled with people who want to vote.
Voting (photo by Joaquim Almirall).
Queues to vote.