The night before there is a very festive atmosphere.
A l'IES Olorda de Sant Feliu de Llobregat gent de totes les edats ballant, xerrant i fent tallers. @fetasantfeliu #escolaoberta
— Glòria Gasch 🌾 (@gloriagasch) 30 de septiembre de 2017
Early morning.
Everything ready for people to spend the night.
IES olorda . Tot preparat per passar-hi la nit. I a #votar #Votarem #referendumCAT
— ramon gras (@RamonGras) 30 de septiembre de 2017
The ballot boxes have already arrived. The members of the voting tables are called to come forward.
The first person to vote is an elderly woman.
People wait to vote.
Sant Feliu de Llobregat, instituto Olorda ✊ #Votarem #referendumRAC1 #1Oct
— Selma (@_Katratzi) 1 de octubre de 2017
The queue stretches around three corners.
The crowd is very big.
The polling station has already opened and people chant "Votarem!" ("We will vote!").
Obert! Olorda, Sant Feliu de Llobregat #Votarem #referendumRAC1 #1Oct
— Selma (@_Katratzi) 1 de octubre de 2017
People chant "Els carrers seran sempre nostres!" ("The streets will always be ours!").
La gent continua defensant l'IES Olorda i cridant "Els carrers seran sempre nostres" #1OSantFeliu.
— Defensem1OSTF (@defensem1OSTF) 1 de octubre de 2017