Music and games the day before.
Jocs de tardor al Bisbat d'Égara. #escolesobertes. D'aquí una estona arrossada popular. 5euros el tiquet, veniu!
— núria lozano (@rossinyolic) 30 de septiembre de 2017
The day before in the afternoon there are activities.
La cultura ens farà lliures. Al Bisbat d'Egara resistirem! #Votarem @escolesobertes @Minyons #Terrassa
— Albert Juanico 🎗️ (@AJuanico) 30 de septiembre de 2017
The day before there is a community paella lunch.

At 5:30 in the morning.

A lot of people wait at dawn for the centre to open.
Hordas de catalanes haciendo cosas al Bisbat d'Egara de Terrassa #1oct #votarem
— pol cornudella (@polcornudella) 1 de octubre de 2017
Just before opening (photo by El Mundo Terrassa).

Many people wait in the early morning to be able to vote (photo by El Mundo Terrassa).

Very long queues.
Cues a l'escola Bisbat d'Ègara #terraassa #TV3 #ReferendumCatalogna #ReferendumRAC1 #CatalonianReferendum
— Albert (@bertuscas) 1 de octubre de 2017
View from the top of a nearby building.

The voting is complete.
JA HEM VOTAT! L'escola Bisbat d'Egara de #Terrassa ho diu ben alt. #cataloniareferendum #1oct #verguenza #Rajoydimision
— Arnau 🎗 (@Arnau8FCB) 1 de octubre de 2017