Even though it was raining, there were more and more people all the time (video by Juan Carlos Mohr).
Continua lloviendo y cada vez mas gente( Centre Civic Fontana) 6:51 #AgenciaUO pic.twitter.com/q36Jyb8Fc4
— juan carlos mohr (@juancarlosmohr) 1 de octubre de 2017
The people are concentrated on Gran de Gràcia Street to prevent the Policía Nacional from passing.
Long queues to vote.
💡 VÍDEO | Llargues cues per votar a la La Fontana. pic.twitter.com/FL4IsTslAv
— #CDR Gràcia 🎗 (@ComiteGracia) 1 de octubre de 2017
A police helicopter overflies the area.

The Guàrdia Urbana (local police) keep watch (photo by Carlos Baraibar).

Catalunya Ràdio journalist Carles Baraibar interviews member of parliament Ramon Tremosa who explains the measures that have been taken to protect the polling station.
People prevent the Policía Nacional from passing.

Gran de Gràcia continues to be blocked (video by Toni Vall).
Ara davant l'Espai Jove La Fontana. Gran de Gràcia tallat a la circulació. pic.twitter.com/UY5TYlyeMN
— Toni Vall (@tonivall) 1 de octubre de 2017
All the time, the queues get longer.
#DIRECTO A esta hora muchisima gente hace cola tranquilamente para poder votar en Fontana BCN #CatalanReferendum #1OctARV #AgenciaUO pic.twitter.com/AOZKJEWQgl
— MikiHack (@MikiHack86) 1 de octubre de 2017
People continue resisting. They chant "Els carrers seran sem nostres" ("The streets wiull always be ours).
Espai Jove La Fontana. Gracia aguanta #referendumRAC1 pic.twitter.com/qvywuwOOH7
— Ramon Cisa (@ramoncisa) 1 de octubre de 2017
The polling station closes, and the peoiple chant "Hem votat!" ("We have voted!").