At six in the afternoon of the previous day the school is open. They will not close.

The afternoon before, activities are held to ensure the centre can remain occupied (video by @joancguerrero).
A l’Eiximenis de #girona mantenim l’activitat #girona #EscolesObertes #NosaltresALaNostra #Obrirem #Votarem #1Oct #lovedemocracy
— Joan Carles 🎗️ 🇧🇪 (@joancguerrero) 30 de septiembre de 2017
The night before, people practice making a human chain to know how to do if the police arrive.

The Mossos d'Esquadra take notes. They see that there are about 250 people concentrated and that it is not possible to enter the centre.

International observers are urged not to leave the school and, in the face of the extreme violence of the police, they come to stay.

More people come to protect the polling station.
A Eiximenis acaba d'arribar més gent per salvar la democràcia. La situació és excepcional. Girona avui reacciona unida!
— Alcaldessa de Girona (@alcaldessa_gi) 1 de octubre de 2017
Firefighters give instructions on what to do if there is a police charge.

People still vote in spite the long queues.

Waiting for the results of the vote count.