Sant Cebrià de Vallalta

Escola del Pi Gros
Maresme (Barcelona)
3.310 inhabitants
Guardia Civil Police charge Closed polling station

100 Guardia Civil enter the polling station. police charge but they couldn’t take the ballot boxes nor the voting papers, which had been hidden to protect them. The Guardia Civil accessed the centre by breaking the doors. There were malfunctions in the voting system.

According to witnesses, the Guardia Civil arrived twice but couldn’t find the ballot boxes. Nonetheless, the voters decided to close the polling station, a returning officer at the election table was injured and couldn’t continue with the voting for the risk they were facing.

News article in El Nacional

Guardia Civil in formation
Tension between the Guardia Civil and the Mossos d'Esquadra. Calls for calm.
A Mossos d'Esquadra police officer approaches to talk. Tension.
Second visit and second charge at the entrance.
"Have a good time and see you next year"
Voters follow the police during their exit. Singing.