In Arbúcies it was possible to vote normally. The difficulties with the computer system made the school not open to vote until 10:45. In the morning there were about two hundred people protecting the school. The Mossos arrived twice, once in the morning and another time a few hours later. They could not enter the school and left. At some point in the afternoon, the information came that twenty-two Guardia Civil had arrived in the town. The firefighters and voters organized a human chain to protect the crowd. In the end the Guardia Civil did not arrive. For a few hours, all ballot boxes were sealed except for one because of the threat of this arrival of the Guardia Civil. A few hours later, normality resumed.
#katU1 @arbucies n. Hautesontziak iritsi dira. Ehunka herritar bozkatzeko irrikan. #Votarem oihuka
— Cristina Martín (@KristinaMartn) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Politie druipt af voor stemlokaal in Arbúcies. Zo lijkt het in heel Catalonië te gaan. Stembussen gaan over half uur open.
— Koen Greven (@KoenGreven) 1 d’octubre de 2017
— Ajuntament Arbúcies (@arbucies) 1 d’octubre de 2017
@324cat Arbúcies es prepara per l'arribada de la guàrdia civil #ReferendumCatalan #10tv3
— Bàrbara Munar (@BarbaraMunar) 1 d’octubre de 2017
A #Arbúcies defensant la #Democràcia i les nostres urnes. Ens han dit que s'acosten 22 unitats de La Guàrdia Civil.#CatalanReferendum
— Quim Masferrer (@QuimMasferrer) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Erreferendumaren emaitzen zain #Arbucies-eko herritarrak pozik, saltoka euren independentzia hemen hasi dela esanaz. @EHbilduhernani
— Xabi Lertxundi Asteasuinzarra (@xabilertxundi) 1 d’octubre de 2017
Recompte en una de les meses d'Arbúcies. #HemVotat
— Aniol Pujolràs (@Pujolras94) 1 d’octubre de 2017